
Newsletters, press releases & speeches

Newsletters, press releases and speeches continue to be essential tools to convey important messages quickly and efficiently, in both the public and private sectors. Guide2Content does the research and delivers the text for you. In addition, key messages can be translated into social media solutions.

Articles, leaflets & brochure texts

Articles, leaflets and brochure texts are classic communication tools. I write content on EU affairs, art and architecture, as well as politics and history. Other fields of interest include sectors like media, transport, environment and a range of industries & services (finance, retail, energy, utilities…).

Promotional texts for events, products & services

Promotional texts are important if you organise events, sell products or explain services. Guide2Content  provides multilingual texts and one-liners for almost any kind of event, product, support or service. The texts can be tailored for print media, social media or the web.

Multilingual writing, editing (-in-chief) & proofreading

Multilingual writing, editing (-in-chief) and proofreading are skills that can make the difference for your institution, company, product or service. Besides my native Dutch I am fluent in French and English and I have a very good working knowledge of German.

Consulting services

Consulting services include:

  • project coordination
  • editorial coordination
  • (political) communication strategies
  • policy monitoring, evaluation & advice

Art & architecture

In addition to my activities as a tour guide in Brussels, I passionately write about art, architecture and urban development in a historical context. Visit: for more information.

EU affairs: Monitoring, analysis & reporting

Guide2Content is your reliable partner when it comes to monitoring, analysis & reporting EU affairs. Combining research and writing skills, I will guide you through intriguing legislative processes and policy fields that have a direct impact on your business, policy or executive strategies.

Motivating applications for funding

In close relation to monitoring, analysis & reporting EU affairs, a well written motivation or analysis can make all the difference for your funding or project application. Don’t hesitate to call Guide2Content for a complete editorial process or some fine-tuning.

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